Saturday, May 16, 2009

Milk and Honey

I'm going to Milk and Honey tonight. I haven't been in a really long time, but I remember liking it and hating it simultaneously. For those of you who don't live in NYC, or just don't know what Milk and Honey is--it's a really small, really quiet bar. You have to make reservations, and once there, you have to mind your manners. There are rules. Men can't talk to women unless the women speak to them first...etc. The best, and funniest rule, is that you can't talk about fighting.

I wonder how they came up with this rule. Was there a long boxing discussion one night that got really boring? Or is it more about fights that the customers might have been involved in, or wanted to be involved in. I wonder what will happen if I say that my yoga class tonight kicked someone's ass---will that be enough of an oblique reference to fighting to get me reprimanded?

The other thing I remember loving about the place is that they make their own ginger ale. Awesome. The only music when I was last there, came from a tiny little boom box. I don't even think there was an ipod in the place.

Something about this enforced quiet, the regulated manners---well, it just makes me happy. I know that while I'm there, nobody is going to do anything rude. I'm not going to hear any douchebaggy conversations. That's pretty cool.

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