Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Love Comes In Many Forms

I was thinking about love stories, romances. These are some of my favorites,
and some that are definitely worth checking out if you haven't seen them.

Some Unusual and Spectacular Movies About Love:

1. Harold and Maude-Dark, funny, improbable, and perfect. Human, messy, and inspiring, while remaining completely twisted.

2. The Umbrellas of Cherbourg-My vote for one of the most romantic and beautiful movie musicals ever.

3. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button-Just saw it. It's damn near perfect. Was prepared to hate it, but it really surprised and moved me.

4. The Color Purple-Love of self, love of family, love of forgiveness, self-discovery, revenge, empowerment, love of god, discovery of god within every bit of creation. It's a movie about yoga.

5. Auntie Mame-A great love story between a boy and his aunt. Sweet, funny, and inspiring.

6. Shelter-Just watch it. Sexy, romantic, and sweet. We find families where we least expect to.

7. The Object of My Affection-Relationship between gay man and his best girl explored in a way that is true to life, hilarious, and sad.

8. Beautiful Thing-Just perfect. This is what falling should feel like.

9. Away from Her-Growing old together explored with a brutal stays with you.

10. Frida-A woman in love with art, life, and her man. Stunning visually, and totally inspirational.

1 comment:

  1. I remember watching Auntie Mame oh so many years ago. Brian, I just watched it with my daughter, and she LOVED it! I loved watching it again through her eyes. She laughed so hard and enjoyed it so much. I thought of you when we saw it because you are the one who introduced me to the film. Thanks!
    ~Laura Dawson
