Thursday, September 4, 2008

Leap! And be caught by the Universe!

New York can be a scary place to live. Every day I'm surprised, and amazed that I'm here. Not exactly the likeliest of candidtes: a shy, queer kid obsessed with horror movies who wanted to be an actor. I guess there's a lot of people like me that grow up in a small southern town, move to NYC with big dreams, and realize soon after arriving that the big city doesn't care if you brilliantly played the title role of THE ELEPHANT MAN to great acclaim at your high school, and went through college and graduate school with brilliant performances. If you're shy, and you don't quite know yourself yet, you're better off just going home, because nobody in this city is going to help you find yourself, bud.

I moved here eight years ago. I wasn't as young as I thought I was, but I was really naive. I thought NYC was waiting for me, and all I had to do was get here, and things would take off! To my surprise, they did, but the road they took me down was a road I could never have imagined, and I'm so grateful that I had the guts to take a step down a different path. It was the right one, it turns out.

Today, I find myself faced with a big dilemma; one that would have sent me running and screaming in the other direction eight years ago, but now, though a little nervous--I'm excited. I feel challenged, focused, and vital. I know I can rise to the occasion and shine brighter than ever. It's fun to live life without a net sometimes. More to follow.